Martha Augusta Lawisch Hickman Augusta Lawisch, about 1900
Martha Augusta Lawisch Hickman Diaries
These were scanned from original documents owned by Pat Hendricks, Brigham City, Utah. Martha was the second plural wife of Prof. Josiah Edwin Hickman. She lived from 16 Apr 1870 to 9 Jun 1945. These diaries cover the period from the death of her husband in 1938 to the death of President Roosevelt in 1945. She lived in Logan, Utah and Roseville, California. Her interests alternated between events leading up to and including World War II, the LDS Church, her family, literature, publication and distribution of Josiah's book, The Romance of the Book of Mormon, and descriptions of important events that happened earlier in her life (for example her 1890 marriage in Mexico as Josiah's second wife is described in the entry for 4 June 1944). Click on a link below to read Martha's Diary:
Martha Hickman Diary 1 Click here.
1 Feb 1938 to 25 Apr 1942
Martha Hickman Diary 2 Click here.
11 May 1942 to 12 Apr 1945
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Martha's mother was Augusta Lawisch (2 Jan 1840-12 Jul 1915). This is a composition book with her autobiography, written lightly in pencil. Those pages have been enhanced. Pages 2 to 7 are at the beginning of the book followed by many blank pages. Pages 9 to 11 are somewhere near the middle of the book, followed by many blank pages. A small amount of Augusta's writings in this book are in German.
She also kept a diary during the year 1910 in Payson, Utah. That was the same year that Halley's Comet put on a spectacular show in the night skies. Augusta's writings in this book are in ink, but with very thin lines, so the images had to be enhanced to increase readability.
Augusta Hickman Autobiography Click here.
Augusta Hickman Diary, 1910 Click here.
To learn more about Josiah's families, click here.
To read Josiah's autobiography, click here.
To read Josiah's diaries and scrapbooks, click here.
To read Josiah's 1904 testimony before a US Senate committee, click here.
To return to the Hickman Family index page, click here.