Warren D. Hickman
Warren was the youngest of the Hickman brothers, and we currently don't know very much about him.
"During the Pike's Peak Gold Rush in Colorado Territory in 1859, two years before Statehood [actually Colorado was made a territory in 1861, but did not become a state until 1876], Bill's younger brother Martin D., while panning gold, was killed by a claim jumper. In the same vicinity also panning gold were brothers, Thomas Jefferson and Warren D. Hickman, who immediately the following day, caught up with their brother's murderer and 'did him in the same.'" (recounted by Mrs. Leona Hickman Peck, 1957)
--Hope Hilton, Edwin and Elender Webber Chiles Hickman, Some Progenitors and Descendents, Early Pioneers
of Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Missouri, and Utah, (3rd Edition, 1978), p. 163.
Late in the year 1860 Warren wrote a letter to Abraham Lincoln requesting that the new President appoint him to be Territorial Marshall of an as-yet unnamed part of Kansas Territory which he felt was soon to become a new US territory. This actually happened in 1861 and the territory was named Colorado. Unfortunately, Warren did not have the political connections it then and even now requires to make such a political dream a reality. A typescript of his letter is given below, and you can read this letter in Warren's handwriting by clicking here:

entire confidence in your worthy integrity

in the future Ruling of this great nation

over which I am really glad you are in a

short time to rule. And beleiving honered sir

that at an early period of Congrefs we will

have a new Territory organized of this

Pikes Peak Country And that we then will

have a new Territorial Government at an

early day of your administration I Beg leave

to announce to your honor my humble as

piration for the Office of Marshall of this

new Territory But as I am not personally

acquainted with you I can not insist over

a preference of men you know personally

Though if you in your wisdom wish me to

give reference for Caracter abilities &c I

would be pleased to do so. Should this meet

your Kind aprobation you will confer a timely

segart. upon Your most Obt. Servant.
--Library of Congress Manuscript Division, Abraham Lincoln Papers
Series 1. General Correspondence, 1833-1916.
He came to Utah in 1863, and probably got along well with his Mormon brothers, William, George, and Thomas. He was politically active, though, and served as secretary in the Liberal Party at Bingham (anti-Mormonism was a Utah political issue in those days, just as it is today), and was the owner-operator of the American Flag mine and numerous lesser placer and lode properties at Bingham, Mercur, Alta, and elsewhere. The Utah Gazetteer and Directory for 1888 mentions "Hickman, W.D., Marshal" among the list of businesses at Bingham, Salt Lake County. This is especially interesting because it means Warren may have arrested his niece's husband, Samuel Monroe Butcher for polygamy:
Mon. 12 [September, 1887]. D.B. Bybee, of Hooper, was arrested at Taylor's Mill, Weber Co., on a charge of unlawful cohabitation. S.M. Butcher who resides near Bingham Canyon, Salt Lake Co., was arrested on a similar charge.
--Andrew Jensen, LDS Church Chronology, 1887 p.15
Sat. 26 [November, 1887].In the Third District Court, Samuel M. Butcher, of Herriman Precinct, who promised to obey the law in the future, was fined $50 for unlawful cohabitation.
--Andrew Jensen, LDS Church Chronology, 1887 p.21
An inquiry to the National Archives Regional Center at Denver has disclosed that this is in fact what happened. To see a copy of the arrest warrant filled out in Warren's own handwriting, click here.
Of his mining properties, the American Flag in Galena Gulch was probably the most successful:
"The 'American Flag' on Jordan Hill, is developed by two shafts and a tunnel running on the vein, showing galena and carbonate ore from four to six feet in width.
--Crofutt's Western World, Aug 1873 p.23.
"The American Flag, owned by W.D. Hickman & Co., is located on Jordan Hill. It is developed by two shafts, each forty feet deep, and two tunnels, respectively sixty and 150 feet in length. The vein varies from six to eighteen feet; mostly carbonates and galena."
--F.T. Perris, Mineral Resources of Utah, 1874, p.59.
"The American Flag is reported to have struck a fine body of ore, which maketh the owners thereof exceedingly jubilant."
--Salt Lake Tribune, Jul 22 1874.
"Rippets [probably a leaser] is getting out some good ore from the American Flag, and not in small quantities either. There is a prospect of business for the legal fraternity over this ground, as the American Flag Co. and the Jordan Co. both claim the property where they are working, and it is well worthy of a contest."
--Salt Lake Weekly Tribune, Feb 3 1877.
By 1882 both the Jordan and the American Flag had become a part of the holdings of what later became the U.S. Smelting Refining and Mining Company:
"The Old Jordan Company takes in the Jordan, which is a mile long, the American Flag, and Excelsior. It has a 60-stamp mill on the Jordan River, a million tons of ore in sight, and a 10-stamp mill on the ground with which it is experimenting. The principal owner is L.E. Holden, of Cleveland, Ohio."
--O.J. Hollister, The Resources and Attractions of Utah, 1882, p.30.
With the passage of time, the properties were passed to younger miners with more money and newer ideas, and the Hickmans left the district:
"With all the tremendous tonnage taken out up to date from the Telegraph, Jordan, Galena, Utah, Old Spanish or any of the other famous producers of Bingham, the ore all comes from comparatively near the surface. This is accounted for in two ways. In the first place the upper treasures of the camp have afforded a tonnage sufficient to keep the working forces busy; and secondly, sinking into greater depth would entail the expense of drainage by pumping, and produce sulphide ore, which until recently was smelted at very high prices. The owners of most Bingham properties being men well on in years, whose fortunes came out of that wonderful camp without the expendature of much money, have refrained from attempting deep development, preferring to leave such work to those who would come after them."
--Don MaGuire, Utah's Great Mining Districts, 1899, p.8.
It's probable Warren left Bingham about this time, but unlikely he took much of a fortune with him.
Warren's nephew, Josiah E. Hickman, who also was at various times a professor at Brigham Young University, Utah State Agricultural College at Logan, and other Utah schools gives this disturbing account of a visit with Warren toward the end of his life:
"I met some three weeks ago Uncle Warren Hickman in Salt Lake. He is a broken down man--full of disease (cancer of lip, I think). He is a sad record of an ill-spent life. He was a deputy marshall during 'the raid' and hunted down our people. It looks like the curse of God was upon him as it is and has been upon nearly, if not quite all, that hunted down our people. He has spent a life mostly in saloons and gambling dens. He never was married and is now homeless, childless and friendless eking out a miserable existence from hand to mouth cleaning out saloons, etc."
--Josiah Hickman's Diary, 8 July 1906.
The Utah Gazetteer for 1892-93 lists "Hickman, Warren D., miner, res 264 Main" in Salt Lake City. By 1899 his address was listed as "rms Clift House," a boarding house at the northwest corner of 3rd South at Main Street.
These items provide a few bits of information on Warren's career prior to coming to Utah, what he did at Bingham, and the approximate year that he moved from Bingham to Salt Lake City. Although it is unlikely we will ever find a descendant of Warren, his is an interesting story because he lived to see the mining properties pioneered by him and his Hickman relatives become very valuable after they had been abandoned or sold for small sums of money. His realization of this undoubtedly led to the events recounted in the following documents:
Physicians' Certificate
Warrant of Commitment
Warren D. Hickman
Dated Mar 11 1907
Filed Mar 25 1907
Mar 25 1907
J.D. Eldredge, Jr., Clerk Dist. Court
Of Salt Lake County, Utah
By DA Smith
Deputy Clerk.
I hereby certify and return that I received the within and hereunto
Annexed Warrant of Commitment on the 11th day of March, A.D. 1907 and served the
same by taking the within named Warren D. Hickman, an insane person to the
State Mental Hospital and delivering him into the custody of, D.H. Calder,
Medical Supt. whose receipt therefor is hereto attached.
Dated at Salt Lake City, this 12th day of March, A.D. 1907

C. Frank Emery, Sheriff of Salt Lake County, State of Utah
A H Steele
Deputy Sheriff
In the District Court of the Third Judicial District of the State of Utah in
Salt Lake County,
COUNTY OF Salt Lake } ss.
Mrs. P.C. Beebee being first duly sworn, upon his oath says: I am acquainted with the condition of Mr. Warren D. Hickman; I verily believe that said Warren D. Hickman is insane and a fit subject for care and treatment in the State Mental Hospital; that said Warren D. Hickman is a resident of Salt Lake County, Utah, and can be found in said County, in said State of Utah as I am advised and believe.
I therefore ask that the said Warren D. Hickman be brought before the District Judge of the County in which he shall be found, for examination and commitment or for such order as may be proper, and that a warrant issue to that effect.

Mrs._P.C. Beebe
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 8 day of March 1907
J.H. Eldridge
David A. Smith
Physicians' Certificate.
County of Salt Lake } ss.
W.R. Calderwood and F.H. Raley being duly sworn, each for himself, certifies that he is a practicing physician in medicine, that at the request and in the presence of the Honorable Geo. G. Armstrong District Judge of the 3rd District Court, in and for Salt Lake County, he has heard the testimony concerning, and has personally examined Warren D. Hickman in reference to his mental state, and finds that said Warren D. Hickman is an insane and so far disordered in his mind so as to endanger health, person or property, and that his mental illness is not a case of idiocy, imbecility or simply feebleness of mind; that the further facts pertaining to his condition, as nearly as can be ascertained are set forth in answers to the following questions:
Name? Warren D Hickman Age? 66 Residence? Salt Lake City Nativity? Missouri What State last from? Mi [crossed out] Colorado How long in Utah? 1863 Nationality? US Race? White Civil state? Single Number of children? None
Age of youngest? ---- Occupation? Farming & Mining Religion? None Education? Common School Has applicant been successful in business? Yes Name and birth place of father? Edwin D Hickman Carolina Maiden name and birth place of mother? Elizabeth Adams Virginia Cause of death of father? Don't Know Cause of Death of mother? Don't Know Have any relatives suffered from, or been treat[ed] for insanity? Not to my Knowledge Habits of patient regarding use of alcohal? Opium? Tobacco? Chloval, Coffee, Cocain, Tea, etc? Moderate drinker Habits of father? Good Habits of mother? Good Has there been a prolonged departure from the usual or customary conduct? Yes
If so, when did this change take place? 3 or 4 months ago
Is the departure beyond his control? Yes Have there been other attacks? ? Their duration? ? What treatment was employed? ? If sent to a hospital, state where? Saint Marks, 4 wks. How long at the hospital? 4 wks What peculiarity or defect is noticeable in the applicant? Extraordinary ideas of personal wealth - Tendency to wander Earliest symptoms noticed and manner of development? Indefinite as to time and character. Is there any permanent hallucination; if so, what is it? None Is there any permanent delusion; if so, what is it? Yes as regards wealth Specify any disease patient has had, ? ? ? now has, Cancer of lip, arterial sclerosis or injury received ? ? ? Is there a disposition to uncleanly habits? Yes Destruction of clothing? No Furniture? No Is there a disposition to injure others? Occasionally Is it directed to relatives? No Is it from sudden passion? Yes Is it premeditated? No Is there a disposition to injure self? No What means have been employed? ------- or would likely be employed for the purpose? ------ Is there a disposition to burn property? Yes. Attempted to start bonfire in room. Is there a disposition to wander? Yes Has the patient ever had convulsions? ? Has the patient suffered from epilepsy? ? Eruptions? ? Discharges from sores? Cancer of lip Injury to the head? ? Injury to spine? ? Is the applicant suffering from any other traumatism as hernia, fracture, tumor or any wound? No Has the applicant undergone any surgical operations? Arm opened for abscess in '87 ? Enumerate ------ Is the patient in his usual physical health apparently? Retrograding or is he feeble? Rather or emaciated? Becoming so Does he eat? Abnormally so Does he sleep? No Is there any defect in seeing? No In hearing? Slight In speaking? No In co-ordination? Slight In recall? Yes In Inhibition? No Any evidence of paralysis? No Is patient easily excited? Easily so or quiet? No or cheerful? No or moody? So inclined or irritable? So inclined Is the disease increasing? Yes or decreasing? ------ or stationary?
-------- Are there any rational intervals? No Do they occur periodically? ------- In what way is the applicant dangerous to be at large? To himself What is the probable cause of applicant's mental illness? Senility with arterial sclerosis. To which class does the case belong, Mania? Melancholia? Dementia? Or Delusional? Dementia Name and address of attending physician? Dr. J.F. Critchlow Salt Lake Name, relation and address in full of authorized correspondent? Josiah Edwin Hickman Provo, Utah Judge W.H. Dickson, Salt Lake
W R Calderwood M.D.
Franklin H Raley M.D.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 11th day of Mch. 1907
AttestGeo G Armstrong Judge
J.U. Eldredge, Jr., Clerk,

3rd District
By David A Smith
Warrant of Commitment.
COUNTY OF Salt Lake ) ss.
I Geo. G Armstrong Judge of the 3rd Judicial District in and for Salt Lake County, upon the information of Mrs. P.C. Beebee caused Warren D. Hickman to be brought before me for examination as to his sanity, and having heard the testimony of Mrs. P.C. Beebee and Dr. J.F. Critchlow witnesses who have been acquainted with the said Warren D. Hickman during the time of his alleged insanity, and Drs. W. R. Calderwood and F. H. Raley practicing physicians, after hearing the testimony of the witnesses and after a personal examination of the said Warren D. Hickman having made the certificate by law required, find that the said Warren D. Hickman is insane and a proper person to receive care and treatment at the Mental Hospital; that the residence of said Warren D. Hickman is Salt Lake City County, Utah, and that Warren D. Hickman is indigent and is un able to bear the actual charges and expenses for the time he may remain in the hospital, therefore order the said Warren D. Hickman a ..male, aged 66 years, to be committed to the State Mental Hospital at Provo in Utah County, and C. Frank Emery Sheriff is charged with execution of this order.
Witness my hand, this 11th day of Mch 1907
AttestGeo. G. Armstrong
J.U. Eldredge, Jr., Clerk

By David A Smith
Third District Court, State of Utah, County of Salt Lake
No. 329
In the matter of the Commitment )
Warren D. Hickman
) Dist Atty
Mar 8 Affidavit charging insanity sworn to by Mrs. P.C. Beebe
8. Hearing before Hon. Geo. G. Armstrong, Judge
8. W.R. Calderwood & F.H. Raley Examining Physicians
8. Patient Committed.
25. Commitment filed.
--Utah State Archives, Mental Health Records, Series 3574, Third District Court, Salt County.
Brother of the Famous "Bill" Hickman Committed to the Asylum.
Warren D. Hickman, brother of the famous "Bill" Hickman, the "Danite Destroying Angel," was up for examination as to his sanity before Judge Armstrong yesterday and committed to the state mental hospital at Provo.
For about six weeks past Warren has been an inmate of St. Mark's hospital under treatment for cancer of the lip. He began to show signs of a mental breakdown shortly after being taken in, however, and became gradually worse. During the last week or so of his stay he kept the entire establishment on the qui vive of nervous expectancy with his strange hallucinations. He cursed and swore, and between times told stories of fabulous wealth, $150,000 a month, of which he claimed to be donating to the hospital, occasionally varying his experiences by trying to light fires in his room.
During his examination it developed that he had come to Utah in 1863 or just about the time of his brother's greatest prominence. He claimed to have no religion and denied having ever personally been a member of the Mormon church. He is a native of Missouri and is said to have become identified with Mormonism there years before the days of the historic hand cart march across the frontier.
The history of his famous brother is well-known throughout Utah and his alleged confession of events in which he took part in the early days of Utah published in book form has been read by thousands. Nothing appears to be known as to the record of Warren for many years prior to his appearance in Salt Lake, a matter of six weeks ago, but many do not hesitate to offer the opinion that in the early days he was closely associated with both his brother and the Mormon church.
The work of Robert Louis Stevenson, "The Dynamiters" and Conan Doyle's "Study in Scarlet" shed interesting light on a period of Utah's history when Bill Hickman was one of the best known and worst feared men in the territory.
--Salt Lake Herald, Tuesday, March 12, 1907
June 27, 1907, Provo. ....I went to State Mental Hospital yesterday to see Uncle Warren Hickman who is there dying with cancer of lip, throat, leg, etc. 

--Josiah E. Hickman Diary.
Warren D. Hickman died at the state mental hospital yesterday, from senile exhaustion, at the age of 66 years.
The deceased was committed from Salt Lake county March 8 of this year. He has been in Utah since 1863, and has been engaged in farming and mining. Mr. Hickman was unmarried, but has numerous relatives in the state. One of them, J.B. Hickman of Stockton, arranged for the burial, which took place here yesterday.
--Deseret Evening News, Thurs August 15, 1907 p.3.
[His death certificate gives the date as August 13, 1907, with chief cause "Senile Exhaustion" and contributory causes "Cancer and Diarrhea." He was buried at Provo City Cemetery August 14, 1907]
To see the 1887 arrest warrant for Samuel Butcher, filled out and signed by Warren, click here.
To read a brief history of the Utah Mental Hospital, click here.
To return to the Hickman Index page, click here.