Picks and shovels have been replaced by electric
shovels and giant dump trucks at Utah's Bingham
Canyon Mine. The trucks are as big as a 2-story
house. The shovels are easily twice that.
Each mine bench is 50-feet (15 meters) high.
Further Information on Hickman Mining Properties
by Steve Richardson, 1998 Hickman Reunion
13 June 1998, Antelope Island State Park Utah
William Adams Hickman (1815-1883) was one of the discoverers of the first mining claim, the Jordan, in the first mining district, the West Mountain, at Bingham Canyon, Utah in 1863. As was shown in the paper distributed at the 1996 Hickman Reunion, he also was part owner of a number of other claims at Bingham, as also were his brothers James and Warren, his son-in-law, Samuel Monroe Butcher, and some children and grandchildren. Among them they owned key claims in Galena Gulch that were later consolidated by a man named Albert Holden and developed into the United States Mining Smelting and Refining Company, which operated major underground mines in the district until 1972. James, who was also early Bingham's only medical doctor, was heavily involved in mining. In addition to the claims mentioned in my 1996 paper, he is listed as discoverer of the Alpine, Argentum, Last Chance No.3, and Niagara lode claims, all discovered in 1873. The Hickmans also owned claims in Little Cottonwood Canyon; James and Warren at one time owned parts of the Douglas, General Smith and General Scott lode claims, which they sold in 1873. Until his death James Hickman owned a number of key claims in what was known as the "copper belt" in Bingham. In this area the creek water was so saturated with dissolved minerals that crystalline copper would replace organic material in the stream bed. James is reported to have been the first to attempt to recover copper by precipitating it from the water using iron scrap, a process that continues to this day. Veins of copper in the area were believed to be small fingers leading to a gigantic mass of copper ore at depth, and James and others tried various methods to find it, not realizing that the low-grade rock they were tunneling through, being about 2% copper, was the orebody. When James died in 1886, his claims were abandoned. The following year, Enos Andrew Wall came up the canyon, recognized the low-grade orebody for what it was, and staked over the abandoned claims. After years of struggle to find financing, the Utah Copper Company began its mine on those same properties in 1904, paying dividends to stockholders in its first year of operation, and developing an immense open pit mine that is today a major part of Utah's economy, expected to continue operations on the current scale for another fifteen years or more.
The legal documents appended to this paper may be viewed as a series of tiny windows into the lives of the people who were making legal decisions that ultimately affected us as descendants. The reading material may seem about as exciting as reading your own mortgage or loan contract, but it is from decisions such as these that fortunes are gained or lost--this was as true in the Nineteenth Century as it is today. And those boring legal documents must be fully understood before they are signed, even if you are illiterate and sign your name with an "X", because with that signature you will be taking on or giving up certain rights and benefits to someone who usually isn't looking after your best interests.
Unless you were involved in the uranium boom of the 1950s, or perhaps at some time participated in an Easter egg hunt, you probably have not experienced the excitement of mining fever, which is hinted at in the following account, written by Samuel Bowles, who accompanied Speaker of the House Samuel Colfax on a tour of the west in 1865 after the end of the Civil War and prior to the construction of the transcontinental railroad:
"Our party have spent two interesting days this week in an excursion about forty miles into an adjoining beautiful valley, where some valuable developments have been made.... Most of the discoveries have been made by soldiers in General Conner's command--volunteers from the mining regions of California and Nevada--who have been stationed in this vicinity for the last two years; and most of those whose terms have expired have gone to work to improve and develop them. We found among the various canyons or ravines of the Rush Valley a hundred or two of mines freshly discovered and worked out to various depths of ten to one hundred feet....
"General Connor, who is an old Californian, has large faith in these prospectings, has taken much interest in their development, and has located and is building up a town, called Stockton, near them, in the Rush Valley. Here we found a population of perhaps two hundred, all 'Gentiles,' many of them old soldiers, and all full of faith and zeal in their new enterprise. Major Gallagher, formerly of General Connor's California regiment, is living here as the general's agent, and as farmer and miner on his own responsibility. We spent the night at the 'government reserves,' two miles beyond Stockton, by the shore of Rush Lake; these reserves being valuable lands selected some years ago by Colonel Steptoe, as likely to be needed for government uses, and now thus appropriated for supplies of wood for the camp in town and to pasture surplus horses. Here we met a rough but generous hospitality, a midnight supper, a roaring open fire, and beds on the floor and in the stable-yards; but we slept soundly, ate heartily, and gathered sweetest of flowers amid a snow-storm on the hill-sides the next day, as we wandered about in search of the silver lodes."
--Samuel Bowles, Across the Continent, 1865, pp.96-97
After the initial mining district was discovered at Bingham, other discoveries were made at Stockton, Alta, and other places around Utah. By the early 1870's William Adams Hickman was living in Fairfield, at the south end of the Oquirrh mountains. He had all but given up on his interest in the Jordan claim at Bingham, but still held an intense interest in mining:
"Things kept in a kind of live-along condition with me, not doing much of anything but exploring the country for mines. I found in the vicinity I was living, good indication of minerals, and told the people of my little town [Fairfield] that they might have mines near home, and do well if they wished. Many of them were anxious, and wished me to explore for them, and they would do what was right with me for it. I found some leads I thought to be good, and made some locations; after which I drew up laws and organized what is known as the Camp Floyd district, called a meeting, and the laws and constitution, together with the name I had given the district, were adopted. A clerk was appointed and a district formed, and after this I, in company with others, kept prospecting."
--William A- Hickman, Brigham's Destroying Angel, pp.186-187.
The original minutes of the first miner's meeting exist, and are in complete agreement with Hickman's remarks (click here). He and his brothers George, James, and Warren owned key claims at Lewiston: the White Spar, Marion, Welch, Bunker Hill, Mount Eara Extension, Tuolumne, and Pocahontas. In addition to silver and placer gold, the rocks at Mercur were saturated with gold locked up in chemical compounds, but they knew no way of extracting it. The subsequent history of events at Mercur is recounted below:
"Where the town of Mercur now stands, in 1870-71 there was a busy silver mining camp. The Carrie Steele, Sparrowhawk, and other mines produced some wonderfully rich ore, and considerable excitement prevailed for a time. But the rich pockets were soon worked out, and as prospecting was not rewarded by other new discoveries, the camp was deserted and by 1880 had passed entirely out of existence. The recorded production of Lewiston amounts to only about 46,000 ounces of silver, hence it cannot be said that it ever was an important producing camp. The presence of the gold ledges was not unknown during the Lewiston silver mining days; or, more properly speaking, they were not undiscovered. Prospectors in those days used to find an outcrop of yellow rock, which looked good enough to have assayed. Numerous assays gave returns of from $2 to $20 gold per ton. Upon getting a favorable return, the prospector in each case went back with his gold pan to pan some of the rock. As never a color was found, the assayer was pronounced an 'Ananias,' and it is said that more than one assayer was forced to go out of business in Salt Lake City because his record had become tainted with trickery and jobbery in giving good returns on this apparently worthless rock.
"During the Lewiston days, cinnabar was also found in the Camp Floyd district. This is further evidence that the gold ledges were known at that period, for while cinnabar occurs in the silver ledge, it does not occur in quantities, as in the gold ledges. A report for the year 1871 states that 'there is also a vein affording cinnabar of low percentage.' The Government report on Mineral Resources makes fuller mention of cinnabar discoveries in the district, and states that a test made on a 100-pound lot of the ore gave an average of four per cent quicksilver. This was evidently considered too low grade for profitable handling, or else the statement was incorrect. At any rate, quicksilver mining was not attempted. A few years later, however, the deposit again attracted attention, and on April 30, 1879, Arie Pinedo located a claim on this cinnabar vein, naming it 'Mercur,' after the mercury in the ore. This claim he patented, and it subsequently became the nucleus of the gold camp, giving its name to the Mercur mine, as well as to the new camp, which in 1890 sprang up on the site of the defunct Lewiston.
"From time to time, during the period between 1875 and 1890, stories were brought to Salt Lake City about the big vein in the Camp Floyd district which carried good values in gold. Experienced miners refused to give credence to the reports, because, as has been explained, no gold could be panned out of the ore. All efforts to interest capital proved fruitless. At length a number of Nebraska gentlemen, who had had no previous mining experience, and among whom was Mr. John Dern [he was later governor of Utah and great-uncle to actor Bruce Dern], now one of the most prominent mine operators of the West, were induced to go into a scheme to organize a company, and work the property, and in 1890 the Mercur Gold Mining & Milling Co. was formed. An amalgamation mill was built, but proved an utter failure. It appeared that the 'Nebraska farmers' had been buncoed, and that their hard earned money had been foolishly wasted, when the timely introduction of the cyanide process turned failure into success. The camp soon became, and has ever since remained, a heavy producer and dividend payer. Up to this time it has yielded about $18,000,000 in gold.
--First Biennial Report of the Utah Conservation Commission, 1913, pp.197-198
Of course Mercur's history extends beyond 1913. The mines there closed down in the 1930s and Mercur Canyon was dormant until the early 1980's when a Canadian company, North American Barrick opened an open pit gold mine, which continued to operate until this year, having produced over 2.5 million ounces of gold.
Bill Hickman was also a member of the Stanton Silver Mining Company, which owned at least one claim, the Silver Queen at Ophir, a mining camp in the Oquirrh's just south of Stockton, Utah. It is not known how successful this venture was.
Bill Hickman's daughter, Sarah Catherine (1835-1914), married Samuel Monroe Butcher (1828-1908), and together they apparently raised a large family below the mouth of Bingham Canyon. Samuel and his sons were involved in various placer mines up the canyon. He was also involved in farming and ranching along Bingham Creek below what later would become the town of Copperton. Produce from the farm supplied the stores and boarding houses of Bingham. Bill Hickman and part of his family lived there for a time (Hickman, p.175), and after he left, one of his former wives, Sarah Basford, continued to live there with her children and husband John Franks. My 1996 paper included an agreement the Butchers made on 25 November 1873 with the Bingham Canyon and Camp Floyd Railroad for right-of-way on a 25 foot strip of land across their property in Section 16, for which they were paid $100 [this agreement has been relocated to here].
The next event is a sheriffs sale on 20 September 1875, where their farm, described as being on Section 16 and lying "between the farms or ranches of Mumford and Cotton," was sold for $180 to John Shafer to satisfy a judgment against Samuel and Sarah, also her father Bill Hickman to the amount of $778.68. We don't know what brought this on, but perhaps it was a result of a judgment following a court trial hinted at in the following excerpt:
"One which indicates the layer of plain hard brutality which underlay most of the events of this type is the Cotton affair previously mentioned by Codman [John Codman, The Mormon Country, A Summer with the Latter Day Saints, 1874, p.133]. The details are obscure. Suffice it to say that after a prolonged feud, S.M. Butcher and two of his friends had a showdown with the Cotton clan; and after a prolonged fight, two of the latter party were killed. Considerable interest was taken by the press in the fact that both the Cotton boys were shot five times each yet refused to die, and were finally disposed of as they lay by stabbing and a shotgun blast respectively. There was considerable furor in the camp and threats of lynching were made, but the parties concerned were finally brought to trial." [Deseret News Weekly, July 30, 1873]
--George M. Addy, The Economic and Social History of Bingham Canyon, Utah, Considered with
Special Reference to Mormon-Gentile Synthesis, BYU Master's Thesis, 1949, p.78.
Newspaper accounts of fights that occur today generally prefer to use phrases such as "clung to life," more than "refused to die." But people apparently thought differently in those days, or perhaps the Cotton family wasn't especially popular in their community.
At any rate, Samuel and Sarah Catherine patented a homestead in adjoining sections 15 and 22 on 10 May 1884. One of the improvements Samuel made to his property was the construction of an irrigation ditch to convey the waters of Bingham Creek from the gulch up onto his farmlands on the bench to the south. In 1888 they sold their property to George Chandler and Charles Watson for $6000; other Butchers also sold their property: George and his wife Eunice for $10, William for $ 10, and Albert for $1000. Probably the transactions that involved payments of $10 included trades of property or other considerations. Sarah gave up her "dower rights" to some of the property, indicating she had received it as a marriage gift from her father, Bill Hickman. They apparently continued to live in Bingham until possibly 1891, when they moved to southern Utah, to Pariah, near Kanab. Several of their children remained in Bingham for several decades. After a few years the parents returned to Salt Lake City where they lived out the remainder of their lives.
In 1909, a later owner of the Butcher property, the Fort Herriman Land and Livestock Company, expanded the capacity of the ditch to carry three times as much water from springs and a drain tunnel on the Ireland and Watson placer mining claim. About 1920 the ditch and Butcher properties were sold to a farmer named Bastian; by then the ditch passed through a series of tailings ponds containing tailings from concentrating mills up Bingham Canyon. As a result of these later activities, the creek water was so polluted from acids and metals in the tailings that it poisoned the land. Today the lands once farmed by the Butcher family are no longer suitable for agriculture.
A map of the Hickman/Butcher ranch and farms may be seen by clicking here.
The land indentures to these properties can be seen by clicking here.
You can see a map of Hickman mining properties at Bingham by clicking here or here.
Further details on the Butcher and Cotton familes and their feud may be found here.
A history of the Camp Floyd (Mercur) mining district may be read here.
Information about modern mining at Bingham and Mercur may be seen here and here.
To return to the Hickman Family index page, click here.
Supporting Documents:
Book A Camp Floyd Mining District
This book was originally the account book for the sutler's store at the military post of Camp Floyd, near Fairfield, Utah, keeping the accounts of Radford, Cabot & Co. in 1858 and 1859. The book was obtained by someone as or after the post was abandoned at the start of the Civil War, and pages 352 to 447 have become Book A for the Camp Floyd Mining District. There are no store accounts for Hickmans in the book (some pages have been removed), but gives accounts for purchases made by hundreds of other names. An index of names in this portion of the book has been prepared, and may be seen by clicking here.
The mining documents provided below have been transcribed to simulate how each record appears in the book, with line breaks, punctuation, capitalization, and spellings kept intact. Of course there may also be unintended typographical errors. The original book may be seen in the vault at the Tooele County Recorder's office. The minutes of the first meeting to which William A. Hickman (mistakenly identified as "W.H. Hickman") played a key role, follow, together with the first claim. The second claim was staked by Bill and his brother George, and a number of others; other claims listed below include them or other Hickman relatives, as will be seen. Generally, claims that did not involve members of the Hickman family in some way were not transcribed (and there are thousands of them) unless there was something else that made them special.
The record for the Ophir district is also at Tooele; one claim was found listing Bill Hickman as a participant. The remaining records may be seen at the Salt Lake County Recorder's office in Salt Lake City.
[p.352] Fairfield Utah Co. Utah April 16th 1870
At a miners meeting held in Fairfield April 16th /70
The following resoulutions was adopted.
On motion of Wm H. Hickman,
Gilbert Rolfe was nominated Chairman
On motion of Jacob McKinney
Lewis Greeley was nominated Secretary,
After which W.H. Hickman stated the object of the meeting
Which was to organize a mining District
Upon which Emery Meecham motioned that it be called the
Camp Floyd District
Motioned seconded and carried
It was then motioned by Lewis Greeley that it be called
as follows
Commencing at Cedar Fort and running nigh a North
West direction to a certain Spring, on the summit between
this place and 17 mile Creek, Known as Twelve mile Spring
Thence West to Rush Valley Thence South taking in all
of the range of Mountains between Rush and Cedar Valley
to where it would be a direct line East to Greeleys Spring
taking them in continueing on to the summit of the East
Mountains, thence North Easterly along the crest of the Mon-
tains to where it would be a direct line West to Cedar Fort
to the place of beginning.
Which motion was seconded and carried
It was then motioned by Wm Carson that W H Hickman
and L Greeley be appointed to draw up a code of mining Laws
for said District, seconded and carried
Upon motion of Wm H. Hickman it was unanimously agreed to
abide by the general Laws of Bingham Cañon Until the
said Hickman & Greeley should be prepared to furnish a
Code of Mining Laws for said District, second & carried
On motion of John Allen that Lewis Greeley be Clerk or
Recorder of said District seconed & carried and that the
said Greeley proceed to business when called upon to record
all transactions of business pertaining to said District
and a copy of the same to be presented when called for also a
record of all claims and Springs &c Adjourned.
At a miners meeting held at the miners Camp Jan 14/71
John G Lockridge Chairman )
Lewis Greeley Secretary ) Of said meeting &c
The following Laws was read, Adopted & passed unanimous
Each and every person can hold locate & claim on Lodes
of Mineral deposits with all rights appertaining thereto, Providing
They comply with the laws of the District, First they must
do one faithful days work and file their claim with the recorder
for record with fifteen days from date of Notice of Location
and Situation, this will hold their claim good for 15 days only,
They must within Sixty (60) days dig or blast on their Ledge a hole
that will be Five feet in width, Four feet length & Four feet deep,
on all Ledges less than 1000 feet, On Ledge 1000 feet claimer
must have holes 4 by 5 feet and six feet deep, all others in proportion.
[p.353] This will hold their Ledges good for one year only. Notice
must designate their claim and state how far each way from
their monument, also how they claim bearing or direction
of the Ledge, No person shall claim or hold over 200 feet (except
the discover or by purchase) on the same Ledge. No company shall
claim or hold over 2200 feet discover excluded, all claims
must have monuments erected or built every 200 feet on their
Ledge Two feet in heighth with the number of feet from Discovery
on the same Ledge, All work may be done in one place if the com
-pany wish so to do, When Seggregated each & every claim must be
worked according to Law. The Recorder shall be paid Fifty cents
for recording every 200 feet on Ledges Discover excluded.
No person can Vote unless they are the owners and occupants of Ledges
in this District, The recorder must gave a certificate of record
to every occupant on Ledge when recorded.
[p.354] Claim no. 1
Placer mine Notice
That we locate and claim 400 feet of gulch or canon for mining
purposes with all facilities pertaining to Placer diggins or Mineral
Deposit &c Locality, in South West corner of Camp Floyd District
Located April 20 /70 Recorded April 24 /70 Gold Point Lode

L. Greeley Discoverer 400
White Spar
We the undersigned claim and locate 2000 feet on the Lode
of Mineral Deposit with all dips spurs and angles being situated
some 3 miles west of the town of Fairfield in Dutch Canon at
or near a blow out and running from my monument on white
spar ledge 1600 feet West and 4000 feet East
Located April 29 /70 Recorded April 30 /70
Wm H. Hickman 400
Lewis Greeley
34 Marion
We claim and locate 1600 feet on this Mineral Lode, known as the
Marion in Camp Floyd District Utah for mining purposes
Situated on the hill East end Morman Chief extension 4th
with all dips spurs and angles
Located Nov 8 /70 Recorded Nov 8 /70
Jas Hickman feet 200
J.D. Mcillaster
feet 200
Wm Thomas " 200
Jas Finn
David Raker " 200
John Allen
Geo Hickman " 200
David Morgan
The Welch Lode in Camp Floyd District we claim 2000 feet
on mineral deposit, 500 feet each way from monument with
all angles, Situated on the ridge above the Spring on left hill of
of [sic] Dry canon. Located Nov 18 /70 Recorded Nov 18 /70
J.B. Hickman
Jacob McKinney 200

W.B. Hickman
Jas McKinney
The Bunker Hill Lode, in Camp Floyd District Utah
We claim & locate 1600 feet on this Silver bearing rock with all
dips & angles 1600 feet Easterly from this monument with
all facilities of working the same Located Feb 19 /71 Recorded Feb 26 /71
The Extension Mount Eara Lode in Camp Floyd Dist
We claim & locate 1000 feet on this mineral Rock for mining
purposes with all dips & angles 1000 feet from the monument
Bearings Easterly & Westerly Located Feb 24 /71
Recorded Feb 27 /71
We the undersigned Locate and claim on this Ledge or
or [sic] Lode (2000) feet For mining purposes. Running Northerly &
Southerly (1500) Southerly taking in 2 holes on the side of the
Ridge and (500) feet Northerly from this monument & Notice
with all Dips Spurs & angles with sufficient ground on
Each Side to work the Same This ledge Shal be known as
the Tuolumne Lode in Camp Floyd District, Located
May the 24th /1871
Recorded May the 25th AD 1871
Wm M Francis
400 feet
We the undersigned claim on this ledge (2000) ft for mining purposes
Running Easterly and Westerly (1500) ft Easterly & (100) wester-
-ly from the notice with all variation and sufficient ground on each side to
work the same this Lode shall be known as the Pochahontas
Lode in Camp Floyd District. Located may the 24th AD 1871
Recorded May the 25th AD 1871
W.A. Hickman
400 feet

Wm. M. Francis 200
Book A Ophir Mining District
4 Silver Queen Located July 17th 1870
By Stanton Silver Mining Co.

Dan W Stanton
W Ereins

Henry P Knickerbocker
John P doolan

G A Rought
Joseph McEuan

Robert Killpatrick
T W Clark

Zenis Erens
Sam Pollick

G Schofield
Richard Johnson 200

Bill Hickman
George St. Clair 200
Filed for Record 8 a.m. August 22nd 1870
Little Cottonwood Mining District, Deeds, Book A p.135
U.S. | This Indenture, made the Sixth day of March
R Stamp| in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
__50___| and seventy. Between Warren D. Hickman of Great Salt
Lake City and County and Territory of Utah of the first part and
George W. Crowley of the same place of the second part
Witnesseth that the said party of the first part for and in con-
sideration of the sum of Fifty Dollars lawful money
of the United States of America, to him in hand paid
by the said party of the second part, the receipt where-
of is hereby acknowledged, hath received, released,
and forever quit-claimed, and by these presents doth
[p.136] remise, release and forever quit-claim unto the said party
of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever all the
right, title and interest estate claim and demand, both in law
and equity, as well in possession as in expectancy of the said
party of the first part of in or to that certain portion claim
and mining right, title or property on certain veins or Lodes of
rock containing precious metals of Gold Silver and other min-
eral and situated in the Mountain Lake Mining District G
Salt Lake County Utah Territory and described as follows to wit:
Two hundred feet in the "Douglas Lode" No 5 200 feet
two hundred feet in the "Gen Smith" " No 5 200 "
two hundred feet in the "Gen Scott" " No 3 200 "
Together with all dips, spurs and angles, and also all the Metals
ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein;
and all the rights, privileges and Franchises thereto incident
appendant or appurtinant, or therewith usually had and
enjoyed: and also all and singular the tenements heridament
and appurtinenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining
and the rents issues and profits thereof. And also all the estate
right, title, interest, property, possession, Claim and demand
whatsoever as well in law as in equity of the said party
of the first part, of, in or to the said premises, and every part
and parcel thereof with the appurtenances. To have and to
hold all and singular, the said premises, Together with the app-
urtinances and privileges thereto incident unto the said party
of the second part his heirs and assigns forever.
In witness Whereof the said party of the first part has
hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered }
W.D. Hickman (seal)
in the presence of }
Isander Morris
} Territory of Utah {
Wm Goddard
} County of Salt Lake { ss
On this seventh day of June AD 1871 Warren D Hickman
Came before me Henry M. May a Justice of the Peace
in and for said County and Territory and formally ack
nowledged the foregoing conveyance to be his free act
and deed and I certify that I personally know the said
[p.137] Warren D Hickman who made the said acknowledgement to be the
person described in and who executed the said conveyance.
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand the day and year
in this Certificate first above written.

Henry M May
Justice of the Peace
Recorded at request of G.W. Crowley June 16th 1871 @ 30 Min past
8.oclock A.M.,~~
W.H. Chisholm Recorder

per J.E. Matthews Deputy
US Revenue | Deed. J.B. Hickman to Geo W. Crowley
Stamp | This Indenture made the Sixth day of March in the
Fifty cents| year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and Seventy, Between
Dr. J.B. Hickman of Great Salt Lake City and County and
Territory of Utah of the first part and George W Crowley of the same
place of the second part. Witnesseth, that the said party of the
first part, for and in consideration of the sum of fifty Dollars
lawful money of the United States of America, to him in hand
paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted
bargained, sold, remised, released, conveyed and quit-claimed
and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, remise, release
convey and quit-claim unto the said party of the second part
and to his heirs and assigns forever, all the right, title and interest
estate, claim and demand, both in law and equity as well in posses-
sion as in expectancy, of the said party of the first part, of in
or to that certain portion claim and mining right, title or property
on certain vein or Lode of rock containing precious metals of gold
silver and other minerals and situated in the Mountain Lake Mining
District, G. Salt Lake County Utah Territory and described as follows
to wit: Two hundred feet in the "Gen Scott Lode" No.2 - 200 feet
Two hundred feet in the "Gen Smith Lode" No.5 200 feet
Two hundred feet in the "Douglas Lode" No.4 200 feet
Together with all the dips, spurs and angles, and also all the metals
ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein; and
all the rights, privileges franchises thereto incident, appendant
and appurtenant or therewith usually had and enjoyed; and also
all and singular the tenements, heriditaments or appurtenances
thereto belonging and the rents issues and profits thereof: and, also
[p.138] all the estate, right, title, interest, possession, claim, and demand
whatsoever, of the said party of the first part, of in or to the
premises, and every part and parcel thereof. To have and to hold, all
and singular the premises with the appurtinences and privileges
thereto incident unto the said party of the second part, and the
party of the first for himself and his heirs, doth hereby agree
to and with the party of the second part, that he has full right and
power to sell and convey the said premises: and that the said
premises are now free and clear from all incumbrances, sales or
Mortgages made or suffered by the said party of the first
In Witness Whereof, said party of the first part
has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year
first above written
Sealed and delivered }
J.B. Hickman (seal)
Isander Morris }
Territory of Utah {
Jno A Bernard
County of Salt Lake { ss

Bingham Precinct { On this Seventh
day of June AD 1871 J.B. Hickman came before me Henry
M. May a Justice of the Peace duly commissioned and
sworn in and for said County and Territory and personally
acknowledged the foregoing conveyance to be his free act
and deed and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand the day and
year first above written.__

Henry M May Justice of the Peace
Recorded at request of G W Crowley June 16th 1871
at 30 Min past 8 o clock AM

W.W. Chisholm Recorder

Per J.E. Matthews Deputy