Steven L. Richardson
7425 W. 3500 South
Magna, Utah 84044
(801) 250-1573
Extensive experience in most phases of geology and engineering. Highly skilled with AutoCAD, Microdem, Bryce, Excel, Word, and other software. Functional knowledge of ARC/INFO geographic information systems. Proficient with all phases of map design and production. Special interest in producing experimental 3D maps. Retired in 2011.
Quality Assurance
* Supervised installation of horizontal drains and piezometers at the Kennecott tailings pond, measured water levels, and prepared a weekly report on the subject for management.
* Supervised the daily activities of mine surveyors and samplers.
* Performed mine geotechnical cell mapping for Kennecott UCD Modernization Project.
Computer Skills
* Created yearly, monthly, and weekly production reports for management using Excel.
* More than 10 years experience using AutoCAD Release 14 and its predecessors.
* Wrote programs to extract data from electronic weather instruments and to process computer files in various ways for import into Excel and AutoCAD.
* Skilled with Microdem (freeware), a mapping program that quickly does many things that are difficult or impossible for AutoCAD. Examples would include shaded relief, perspective views, draped satellite imagery, anaglyphs, contour generation, cross sections, terrain analysis, and block diagrams.
Environmental Studies
* Conducted historical research for 3 years: mapped historic mill locations along Bingham Creek, compiled a historical chronology of tailings deposition, calculated volumes of tailings from each source, and organized an environmental library.
Land Use Mapping
* Mapped water-related land use in the Sevier, Weber, and Jordan River basins in the field from 35mm vertical aerial photographs. Compiled this data into ARC/INFO geographic information system.
Technical Writing
* Several publications in peer-reviewed technical journals; one of them won a national award.
Geologic Cartography
* Compiled geologist's field notes to create and update a geological map.
* Designed and published a detailed colored geologic map of the Bingham mine in the journal Economic Geology.
* Photographed drill core prior to splitting.
* Surveyed drill holes using an Eastman single shot downhole survey camera.
* Created various maps, cross sections, and diagrams as the need arose.
* Organized geology department's map files.
* Developed computer and calculator programs to orient and plot geological field notes from terrestrial photographs without specialized instruments.
* Compilation of topographic maps using a Kern DSR 14 with Intergraph 5.0 software.
Mine Planning
* Road and dump design, daily mapping of electric shovel locations, identifying and flagging ore/waste contacts and underground hazards, preparation of short and long range mine plans, truck profiles, shovel cut scheduling, water and slope monitoring, and digitizing.
Remote sensing, geology, geomorphology, image mapping, Utah mining and smelting history, photogrammetry history, optics, astronomy, computer programming, and photography.

Wexpro Company (Div. of Questar Gas), Salt Lake City, UT

Olympus Aerial Surveys, Salt Lake City, UT
Geotechnical Analyst
Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation, Magna, UT
Water Resources Planner
Utah Division of Water Resources, Salt Lake City, UT
Engineering Technician
Utah Division of Water Resources, Salt Lake City, UT

Kennecott Copper Corporation, Salt Lake City, UT
Geological Technician
Kennecott Copper Corporation, Salt Lake City, UT
Geography (Cartography)/Geology, Bachelor of Science Degree, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 1973.
Photogrammetry, Technical Diploma, Swiss School for Photogrammetric Operators, St. Gallen, Switzerland. Seven months training on European mechanical stereoplotting instruments, 1974.
Richardson, Steven L. and Benjamin M., 3D Atlas of Zion National Park, 2011: 2i3D Stereo Imaging, 86 pages. Awarded Honorable Mention in annual map competition of Cartographic and Geographic Information Society, 2012.
Richardson, Steven L., "The Hollow World of Cyrus Teed," Sunstone Symposium, Weber State University, Ogden,
4 August 2011. The paper can be read online here.
Richardson, Steven L. and Benjamin M., 3D Atlas of Salt Lake Valley's Tri-Canyon Area, 2nd Ed., 2010: 2i3D Stereo Imaging, 50 pages.
Richardson, Steven L. and Benjamin M., 3D Atlas of Salt Lake Valley's Tri-Canyon Area, 1st Ed., 2009: 2i3D Stereo Imaging, 50 pages.
Richardson, Steven L., "Prisoners of the Utah War,." a paper given at the Utah Historical Society annual meeting, Salt Lake City Public Library, 7 September 2007. The paper can be downloaded here.
Richardson, Steven L., 1978, Remote sensing on a shoestring, Photogrammetric Engineering, v.44, No.8, pp.1027-1032. Describes a home-built multispectral photograph viewer.
Richardson, Steven L., 1984, Pioneers and problems of early American photogrammetry, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, V.50, No.4, pp.433-450. Historical article; won 1st Honorable Mention, 1984 Talbert Abrams Award, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. It can be downloaded here.
Richardson, Steven L., 1987, Put your speech synthesizer to work as a proofreader, MICROpendium, V.4, No.5, pp.14-16. Describes a program written for the Texas Instruments 99/4A home computer.
Richardson, Steven L., 1987, Plotting EROS data coordinates on your home computer, Technical Papers, 1987 ASPRS-ACSM Fall Convention, pp.239-248. This is a program that plots geographic coordinates of imagery at any desired map scale.
Richardson, Steven L., 1994, Literary detection with your TI, MICROpendium, V.11 No.1 pp. 8-16. This program analyzes literary style of various authors. This article and program has been updated for IBM compatibles and may be seen and downloaded by clicking here.
Richardson, Steven L., 1995, Language translation by computer, MICROpendium, V.12 No.4 pp. 6-14. This one can be used to translate documents from foreign languages to English.
Richardson, Steven L., 1996, A brief introduction to the history of the Hickman family at Bingham Canyon. Pamphlet, 37 pages. Presented at Hickman family reunion, 15 June 1996. Additional information on this topic was presented at Hickman reunion, 13 June 1998; 14 pages, and at Hickman reunion 10 June 2000, 8 pages. Nearly all this information has been incorporated into this website. Click on these links to see it: 1996, 1998, 2000a, 2000b.
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